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Shower System Vinyl kit Bath Tub size

Write a review 2 reviews From: $379.50


Complete Shower Floor Drainage Kit Bathtub size

This kit will cover up to Apex 48" x 66 " shower (for larger shower check other kits)

Kit Includes:

1 Quick Pitch, 1- Pre Pitch, 2 - Kirb Perfect, 1 Weep Hole Protector, 1- Universal Center ring, 1 - 4" Serene Square Drain - 1 Strainer - 1 Stainless Steel Hair Trap, 1 Rubber Fitting
60" x 72" Composeal Vinyl waterproofing - 2 - Composeal Curb Protectors 2 - Composeal Inside corners 1 - Composeal Solvent Cement

Quick Pitch

This kit is for a shower up to 36" x 60" with drain in the center or 36 x 36" drain in the corner.

The Quick Pitch Float Stick Shower Floor Drainage Kit System permits easy construction of shower floors with the proper minimum water drainage slope of 1/4" per 12" run.

With this time-saving system there is now no chance for an error in measurement, or the need for a level, to achieve a properly sloped shower floor.

Designed for an area where the drain is no further than 36" from any wall or curb.

For larger areas, Extra and Extended kits are available.

Royal Square shower drain

shape. It's easier to cut tile to a square drain than to cut, nip and grind to fit a round one.


  • Stainless Steel 304 Body and Grate
  • 2" diameter Central vertical outlet
  • Bodies are fully welded and leak tested prior to dispatch
  • No Screws
  • Superior Quality
  • Most Durable Finishes Available
  • Easily Maintained. No Special Cleaning

Composeal Blue Vinyl Shower Pan Membrane

Composeal is used generally under tile or marble as a waterproofing membrane beneath a "thick set" mortar bed of 1 1/4"-2" above a substrate of wood or concrete.

Composeal 30 and 40 comply with the three major plumbing codes: UPC-IAPMO, SBCCI and BOCA.

Composeal vinyl Installation

Before placing pan, see that the sub-floor is sloped toward drain 1/4" per foot using cement mortar if necessary, and is free of loose objects or projections such as nail heads or gravel.

Make turn-up along walls not less than 3" above curb line, allowing sufficient material to fasten to outside face of curb.

Notch wood studs to 1/2" to the height of the pan to allow Composeal to be flush with face of the studs. For metal studs, use furring strips (1/4" to 1/2") above the top of the pan.

Fasten 3" or higher above the top of curb. Use flat head roofing nails or staples on wood studs. Use drywall screws and washers on metal studs.

Fold corners outside pan as illustrated. Allow for plumb surface by turning corner folds of pan out of the way between studs and notch studs or use furring strips mentioned above to maintain a flush surface. Do not cut pan corners.

Use a bold-down clamping-ring type drain with weep-holes. Set so sub drain lip is flush with subfloor.

Trim the drain exactly to the size of the drain opening. Do not trim out to bolt holes, but pierce to accommodate bolts with a tight fit.

Use butyl caulk or an equivalent between pan and sub drain. Plug sub drain and fill pan with water and let stand for 24 hours to insure clamping ring is tight and pan undamaged. Bolt clamping ring firmly. Place a small amount of gravel or other porous material at weep holes so they remain clear when setting bed is poured. In areas under the jurisdiction of the UPC/IAPMO plumbing code, a 15 lb. felt underlayment is required under 30 mil shower pan liners. (The City of Los Angeles no longer requires this underlayment.) No underlayment is required for use with Composeal 40 mil thickness.

Installation Instructions - READ

Quick Pitch with Roll-on or Vinyl - READ

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