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Removing Efflorescence and Mineral Deposit from Masonry

October 3, 2011

How to Remove Efflorescence & Mineral Deposits from Concrete & Masonry Surfaces

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Efflorescence occurs when water-soluble salts are carried to the surface by water, which evaporates and leaves powdery salt deposits on the surface. The salts occur most often on concrete, brick, mortar and pavers. The salts may be released from within the material, the mortar bed or even the soil. They do require water to be activated and water evaporation to be deposited on the surface.

When this occurs, it is desirable to allow the surface to dry thoroughly to halt the formation of the salts. After cleaning, the salts may reappear if the water conditions reoccur.

Sealing the clean, dry surface will minimize the amount of moisture penetrating the surface. This will help control and reduce the reappearance but may not completely stop the process.

Always read product label and directions carefully before beginning to use any cleaning Products

Recommended Procedure to Remove Efflorescence

1) If efflorescence cannot be removed by using a stiff dry brush, it may be necessary to use Glaze ‘N Seal Efflorescence Remover or Phosphoric Acid Cleaner. Use recommended dilution ratio as directed on label.

2) Test a small area before beginning total job.

    a. Water down adjacent areas of vegetation to help protect plant life.
    b. Always wet surface with plain water before applying cleaning solution
    c. Apply diluted cleaner using low-pressure sprayer, brush or sprinkling can.
    d. Allow cleaner to dwell on surface 2-3 minutes or until foaming action stops. Do not allow solution to dry on surface. Reapply if necessary.
    e. If necessary use stiff nylon or wire brush to scrub.
    f. Difficult efflorescence may require multiple cleanings.
    g. Rinse thoroughly with clean water.

3) If you plan to seal surface in the future, neutralize surface with Glaze ‘N Seal Neutralizing Rinse or similar product. After removing efflorescence, allow surface to dry at least 48 hours before applying a sealer.


Note: Always test a small area of surface to be sealed to verify penetration and satisfaction of sealed appearance.

More information on how to clean Seal and maintenance your hard surface

The post Removing Efflorescence and Mineral Deposit from Masonry first appeared on Flooring Supply Shop Blog.

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