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Article Submissions Guideline

May 1, 2010

Editorial Guidelines for Submitting To FlooringSupplyShop.com

These editorial guidelines are designed to help you understand what we accept and don’t accept for inclusion in our Blog. Before you submit to our site, we would appreciate if you would please read this page first.

1. FlooringSupplyShop.com Editorial Guidelines: (CONTENT QUALIFICATIONS)

To Be Qualified For Our Site, Your Article:

* MUST HAVE Strong relevance to Home Improvement

* MUST BE AN ORIGINAL ARTICLE THAT YOU WROTE. If you work for an author as an employee or contractor and are submitting the article, please submit the article as if it was from the original author including his or her email address and name.

* MUST NOT BE AN ARTICLE YOU RIPPED-OFF FROM THE PUBLIC DOMAIN OR BOUGHT (PLR). If you did hire a ghost writer to write your articles, you MUST have an EXCLUSIVE LICENSE that *only* allows your name to be associated with the articles produced for you. Do not waste your time or ours by buying article packs that have non-exclusive licenses as we reject those articles. Why do we do this? #1) It makes you look like a fraud because you’re putting your name on someone else’s works that already may have hundreds or thousands of other authors who already put their name on the exact same works and #2) we do not want more than one copy of any article in our directory.

* MUST BE informative and share your unique expertise. Include tips, strategies, techniques, case-studies, analysis, opinions and commentary in your articles. We do not accept articles that contain more than 5 lines of quoted or sourced material.

* MUST NOT be a press release, advertisement, sales letter, promotional copy, or blatant and excessive self-promotion or hype.

* MUST HAVE proper English, spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization and sentence structure. While we know there is a variation in what is considered “proper English,” we ask that you at least be consistent within your article. Your article must also be proofed and double checked for accuracy. If English is your second language, we strongly suggest that you have it proofed by someone who has English as their native tongue before submitting your articles to us.

* SIMPLE PUNCTUATION RULES: One or two spaces after each period, colon, or semi-colon; Periods should be inside of quotes; When doing “…” — you should use only 3 dots minimum and maximum; When using dashes, use two in a row, ex: “–“; There is never a space BEFORE a period or BEFORE a comma.

* MUST NOT contain: pornography/adult material, hate or violence-oriented, suggest racial intolerance, advocate against any individual or group, have insulting, obscene, degrading tone, or contain profanity.

* MUST NOT contain any content that is a violation of any law, be considered defamatory, libelous, or infringes on the legal rights of others.

* MUST NOT be a submission of the exact same article as one that you already submitted. Some authors have submitted the same article multiple times with only a few words changed in the body — we reject these and ban authors who engage in this practice.

* MUST NOT include a reply to a personal email, letter or other correspondence.

* MUST NOT contain excessive and/or bolded keywords/ phrases. Bolding is limited to headings and subheadings.

2. FlooringSupplyShop.com Editorial Guidelines: (FORMAT)


1. Your Title MUST Be In Upper and Lower Case Letters With The First Letter of Each Major Word Capitalized.

2. We will not accept your TITLE in all CAPS.

3. It is not required that you capitalize common words such as “a” – “the” – “to” – “for” etc, we accept these either way.

4. We do not accept QUOTES around your entire TITLE.

5. Do NOT end your TITLE with a period.

6. Please do not submit Microsoft Word smart quotes in your TITLE. This includes quotes, apostrophes, double dashes, and 3 dots in a row. Replace smart quotes with standard quotes/apostrophes/double dashes/or 3 periods in a row.

7. Refrain from excessive repetitive punctuation in your TITLE. One exclamation “!” or question mark “?” is enough to make a point.

8. We do not allow HTML tags of any kind in your TITLE.

9. Your TITLE must begin with the first word flush to the LEFT of the TITLE submission box.

10. We do not allow your AUTHOR NAME or any WEBSITE URL to be in your TITLE.

11. Your TITLE must not be keyword stuffed (too many redundant keywords used over and over again), but rather should read as a natural language TITLE that any human could easily appreciate. Do not over-optimize your TITLE please.

13. We do not accept One Word as the article TITLE, a MINIMUM of three unique words is required.

14. We do not accept articles that use slang terms or profanity in the TITLE.

15. We do not accept articles that do not deliver on the article title. You must deliver in the article body on the promises made in the article title.

* TITLE KEYWORD RICHNESS: Your title should be “Keyword Rich.” The first 3-4 words of your TITLE determines the success of the article in terms of how much traffic your article will generate…so choose the first 3-4 words wisely.

Example of a Bad Keyword TITLE:

Top 9 Ways to Acquire Fractional Jet Ownership

Example of a Good Keyword TITLE:

Fractional Jet Ownership – 9 Strategies to Help You Acquire Your Private Jet

Recommended Reading: Article Marketing & Copywriting Secret: How To Make Your Article TITLE Sell


1. YOUR FULL AUTHOR NAME: You must include your first and last name as the author of the article.

2. Your AUTHOR NAME must have a First name and a Last name.

3. We do allow “First name – Last initial” or “First initial – Last Name.”

4. Your First and Last name must begin with a Capital Letter.

5. We do not allow company names to be your AUTHOR NAME.

6. We do not allow email addresses or URLs to be your AUTHOR NAME.

7. We do not allow adjectives or nouns or descriptors to be a part of your AUTHOR NAME.

8. You may NOT include your title after your AUTHOR NAME unless you hold a doctorate-level degree (Dr., MD, DDS, PhD, etc.)

9. We do not allow religious titles before or after your name.

10. We do not allow more than ONE account per Human. Creating multiple accounts could result in all of your accounts being removed and banned.

11. In order to include a Co-Author you must first list them as an authorized Alternate Author on your account.

12. We do not allow numbers to be included in your Author Name.


1. Must be a minimum of 250 words and no more than 5,000 words. For us, an ideal article size is 400-750 words.

2. Please do not repeat your TITLE and AUTHOR NAME at the top of the ARTICLE BODY.

3. Copyrights must be at the bottom of your article. If you put it at the top of your article, we will move it to the bottom of the article body.

4. If you include a REPRINT RIGHTS statement in your article, it must be at the BOTTOM of your article. If you put it at the top, we will move it to the bottom.

5. Keep in mind our Publisher Terms of Service when you write your reprint rights statement as we will not accept articles that have REPRINT RIGHTS statements that conflict with our posted Author Terms of Service.

6. If you sell hard in the ARTICLE BODY by including your URL or product pitch or blatant self-promotion, we will toss your article without notice. The RESOURCE BOX is where you get to pitch yourself or your website address.

7. Your article body MUST deliver on what is promised in the title. We do not accept teaser links or phrases that require a reader to click away from the article or reference another source in order to receive the full benefit of what has been promised.


HTML TAGS NOTE: Be sure to CLOSE every tag that you OPEN. Common mistakes that an author will make are to OPEN a BOLD tag and then forget to CLOSE it, causing the rest of their article to look BOLDED when they didn’t intend for that.

9. Microsoft Word Smart Quotes are NOT VALID HTML code. Do not include them in any of your HTML statements (or your article in general if you can help it).

10. Please do not submit articles with excessive HARD LINE BREAKS. A hard line break is when you use the HTML <P> or <BR> tag to force a carriage return rather than allowing each line to wrap naturally. We may either reject or convert any articles that are sent in with hard line breaks. It’s ok to force a hard line break when you’re making a small list of items but it’s not ok to arbitrarily force hard line returns on every single line at a certain character width.

11. We do not accept articles that use any ALLOWED HTML in the article body that is not relevant to a specific heading, subheading, or defined text.

12. At the very END of your ARTICLE BODY, please help us by removing any excess vertical spaces and do not include any HTML tags that would create or force the creation of additional vertical spaces after the end of your ARTICLE BODY.

13. Your article MUST be single spaced, MUST use appropriate paragraph breaks, and MUST use correct formatting for bulleted or numbered lists. We will not accept articles that are not single spaced, that do not use paragraphs to appropriately break up the body text, or that provide bulleted or numbered lists that are not formatted correctly.

* WEBSITE LINKS/URLS There is a total limit of (2) active or inactive links allowed in the article, which consists of both the BODY and the RESOURCE BOX.

1. Maximum of (2) “Self-Serving” active or inactive links/URLs to a website that you own, control, or have an interest in.

2. Maximum of (2) active or inactive non-self serving links/URLs to a website that you do not own, control, or have an interest in which adds value to the article.

3. Confine your self-serving links to your RESOURCE BOX.

4. We do not accept articles with active or inactive links in the first 1-3 paragraphs. Please put your active links in the resource box below the article body. The article BODY is your “GIVE” and the RESOURCE BOX is your “TAKE.”

5. We do not accept links that use HTML to add style attributes to the link, URL, or text link description.

6. We do not accept links formatted with Smart Quotes by using MS WORD.

Example of an invalid URL:



Example of a valid URL:


8. We will NOT auto-format URLs that are included in the BODY of your article.

9. Your links MAY NOT contain a file to be downloaded of any type.

10. We do not knowingly allow any URLs in any of our articles that are banned by Google or if your website engages in questionable SEO practices — we may reject your articles.

11. We do not accept articles that have the same ACTIVE link more than once. Do not submit duplicate URLs.

12. We do not allow articles which have strategic keyword anchor text links in the body to your domain that do not add informational value to the article. Any use of anchored text links to websites that you own should add value to the article topic rather than stand out as an obvious abuse of anchored text link. The goal with this policy is to be a good net citizen by only allowing articles that add value with the anchored text links rather than for pure SEO reasons.

13. If you put both of the active self serving links that we allow in the body of your article, we will reject it.

14. We will not accept articles with links (in the Article Body or Resource Box) to adult-oriented websites, including but not limited to websites that include pornography, adult-oriented sexual content.

15. We do not allow links to websites that are under construction. Websites must be active and have content in order for you to link to them from your article. We will reject your article if it contains a link of this nature.

* EMAIL ‘MAILTO:’ LINKS: We highly recommend including a link to your website but do not advocate including a mailto: or email link to your personal or work email account. Spammers will abuse it. It’s better to include a valid website URL and let potential customers find your email address on your website.

* KEYWORDS: Adding the top keywords related to your article helps us to bring more traffic to your article.

1. Please make sure you put a comma between each KEYWORD.

2. Ideally, your keywords should be optimized based on the most commonly searched keywords as published by Overture.com for your particular niche. It helps to use a good keyword research tool to help you determine which ones are best to use.

3. You should have a minimum of 4-5 keywords and a maximum of 25.

4. We do not accept keywords that are completely unrelated to the content of your article.

* SUMMARY: The purpose of the ARTICLE SUMMARY is to give an abstract or summary of the benefits that your article delivers.

1. Every article must have a 2-5 sentence article summary and not exceed 200 words. If you don’t know what to put in your summary, just use the first paragraph of your article.

2. We do not allow blatant self-promotion in your ARTICLE SUMMARY.

4. We do not allow your AUTHOR NAME to be in your ARTICLE SUMMARY.


1. Use our category. if you would like new category to be added please send us an email.

3. FlooringSupplyShop.com Editorial Guidelines: (AFFILIATE PROGRAMS):

Affiliate links will be allowed if the link is a domain name you own which forward/redirects to the affiliate link from the top-level of the domain name. For example, it is permissible to forward to an affiliate link from:


…but it would not be permissible to forward to an affiliate link from:





Any article with an affiliate link that does not adhere to this guideline will cause the article to be rejected.

The post Article Submissions Guideline first appeared on Flooring Supply Shop Blog.

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