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Crucial Do It Yourself (DIY) Home Improvement Tips

September 5, 2017

Crucial Do It Yourself (DIY) Home Improvement Tips

Flooring Supply Shop
Flooring Supply Shop

The Home Improvement industry is steadily booming in India. People are now willing to spend on improvising their households. They feel that their home is a reflection of themselves. According to stats, there has been a considerable rise of house renovations and improvements in the year 2016 and expected to rise in 2017. Almost 75% is spent on furniture and fixtures while 25% in home decor.

Home improvement cannot be done haphazardly, it requires proper planning.  Everything needs to be organized which would include even the worst case scenarios and their solutions. Some of the basic crucial steps for home improvement tools are:

1.           Plan

Planning is a crucial and most important step for home improvement. One needs to have an idea regarding the areas that require improvement. Log all the details in a dairy, including measurements, your preferred layout and what you visualize for your space. Also, understanding your space is essential. Your ideas and layouts should be feasible to the measurements. Researching on ideas is vital.

2.           Budgeting

The second important step is budgeting. Every improvement or restoration will require an estimated expense. Planning the budget would help one understand which areas require more resources and your money can be managed more effectively.  Always try and keep a buffer of 15-20% for unexpected expenses.

3.           Prioritizing

After the crucial step of planning, you should have a list of areas that would require improvements. Certain areas may require immediate attention to prevent damage. Hence, prioritizing comes into the picture. Immediate restorations can decrease the level of severity and cost at that instance. If certain restorations are avoided now, they could increase the overhead cost next time. Prioritizing will help in effectively managing time and budget. For prioritizing, the POSEC method can be used.

POSEC Method stands for Prioritizing by Organizing, Streamlining, Economizing and Contributing. It works as:

•            Prioritizing responsibilities according to priority and available time.
•            Organizing according to priorities
•            Streamline tasks that need to be done (even if you don’t like them)
•            Economize tasks that are not as important
•            Contribute to help the contractors, if hired.

4.           Pinterest and YouTube is your friend

Researching your projects will help you dodge certain mistakes. Pinterest and YouTube are the places where one can find many Do-It-Yourself (DIY) guides. Also, try reading certain books and magazines related to home improvement. On Pinterest, you can browse through numerous images to get practical ideas for your household.

5.           Find the right contractor

One needs to find a reliable Contractor Directory for handling their household projects. For hiring a contractor, one needs to do research and also perform background checks.
Certain steps for hiring a contractor could be:

•            Asking for peer feedbacks
•            Research on the contractor
•            Ask for references
•            Get quotes from various contractors and tally

6.           Save Money

Saving money on certain improvement projects would help one to invest in other minor home improvement projects. Spending it wisely is the key. More should be spent on replacing items that are hard to replace by yourself. Splurge on items that are beneficial to you and the household.
A good idea is to go and scout for your own furniture. This would help you get bargains and select your choice. Another option is checking for discounts and order over the internet. One can also save money by doing certain tasks by themselves by watching YouTube videos.

7.           Match your home décor with furniture

Choosing the colour for your wall or furniture is up to you. Nowadays, people don’t always prefer matching colour. They like to add a splash of colour even at home. So, the colour choice is basically decided by you. Also, another option would be to mix designs and provide the house with an elegant look.

8.           Plan for future upgrades

Through planning, you would know exactly where future improvements can take place. This would help you to analyse and save along the way. These future upgrades should be integrated with minimalistic changes to the current design.

9.           Consultation

Home improvements need to be perfect as you invest a lot of money. In certain instances, feel free to consult licensed tradespeople. Any work related to plumbing, electrical or structural changes should be consulted with a professional before undertaking. You can even hire an architect or designer for the initial layout sketch.

10.        Follow the instructions

While doing any Do-It-Yourself (DIY) project, keep all the right information handy. Follow all the instructions carefully to get the right outcome in the end. Also, ensure that you have the correct tools present with you. Ensure that you have complied with the appropriate safety measures.

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Flooring Supply Shop

Author’s Bio
Akshay works as an Interior Designer with Lalco Interiors and he is in love with his job. Thinking up interesting home décor ideas and helping clients implement them is what makes him tick. You can catch up with Akshay and his team and indulge in one of their beautiful home décor pieces for your home at Lalco Interior.

The post Crucial Do It Yourself (DIY) Home Improvement Tips first appeared on Flooring Supply Shop Blog.

Contractor Directory DIY remodeling do it yourself Flooring Supply home design Home remodeling Royal Drains Serene Steam

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