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How to choose the best flooring for your pet

August 17, 2016



Pet owners will know that once you have a pet, you can’t live without one. Having said that, they do add to the wear and tear of household furnishings, in particular, flooring. If you’re moving into a new place, or considering new flooring, ask yourself a few questions before choosing.

Does your pet shed fur?

If your pet tends to shed a lot of fur, it’s a good idea to avoid choosing carpets, where fur can get lost and cause the floor to smell. Instead, choose floors that are easier to clean, such as laminate or tile flooring.

Is your animal loud?

Hard floors tend to carry a lot more sound, for example, if you have a dog that likes to run around. For this reason, carpet might be a good choice.

Does your animal have trimmed nails?

If your pet has long nails, there’s a good chance they will scratch a laminate floor. Instead, opt for tile flooring, which is less prone to scratches.

Is your pet house-trained?

Just bought a new puppy or kitten? Opt for an odor and stain controlled carpet, or flooring which is easy to clean, such as hardwood or laminate.

To check out our range of flooring, or for more information, visit our website www.flooringsupplyshop.com


The post How to choose the best flooring for your pet first appeared on Flooring Supply Shop Blog.

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