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Child Safety Toddler Traction

July 22, 2011

Invisatread, Anti-slip Solutions, Child safety, slip and fall protection, Pool Safety, Safety Products, Bath Tub Protection, Bathroom Safety

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The toddler years are some of the most exciting and imagination filled years of childhood. Their new found ability to walk is something they sure do not take for granted. Anxious to explore their surroundings, toddlers are quick when it comes to walking, running, and eventually taking over the house! For someone so little, they sure do get into a lot of trouble! From kitchen messes to Crayola masterpieces on your dining room wall, toddlers can do it all. Stop and think for a second about how quick your toddler can create one of those messes. Putting the laundry in the dryer, getting the mail, or simply turning your back can turn into one giant mess.

Did you ever stop to think about what else could happen? As quickly as a child can create a mess, they can find them self in some sort of danger. Inside our comfortable, safe, and in many cases, “baby-proofed,” homes lies a slew of harmful circumstances amongst children.

Did you know that 25, 00 people a day are victims of slip and fall accidents? Something as simple as a puddle on the floor can turn into a serious injury, especially for a tiny toddler. Frolicking around the house or hopping out of the bath tub, a child can slip, fall and be injured within seconds. We at Invisatread know what its like to have a busy household filled with toddlers and chaos. Invisatread is an anti-slip treatment that can protect your home from a harmful, slip and fall accident within a matter of minutes. Surfaces treated with Invisatread gain traction, helping diminish those harmful, wet floor accidents. Invisatread protects your family against slip and fall accidents without harming your surfaces. Invisatread gives parents one less thing to worry about. If you’re looking for less mess, less fall, and fewer “boo-boo’s” – Invisatread’s got you covered.

Statistics shows that slip and fall accidents on the job have an impact in employee productivity as well as cost to the employer. Applying InvisaTread® can help to reduce these risks so you can protect yourself, your business and your bottom line.

Slip & Fall Expense

  • Approximately 25,000 people per day are victims to slip & fall accidents.
  • The average cost of a slip related injury exceeds $12,000 (Wausau Insurance).
  • The average cost to defend a slip and fall lawsuit is $50,000 (NFSI).
  • Plaintiffs win 51% of premises liability claims (JVR). According to the National Safety Council:
  • The nations #2 cause of accidental deaths (after auto accidents).
  • More than 550,000 disabling injuries per year (accounting for 15% of all disabling injuries each year in the workforce).
  • 12-15% of all workers’ compensation claims.
  • 15% of incidental workplace deaths. Workers’ compensation issues.
  • 65% of lost workdays are due to slip & fall accidents (Liberty Mutual).
  • 22% of slip & fall incidents resulted in more than 31 days away from work (Bureau of Labor Statistics).
  • Compensation and medical costs total approximately $70 billion annually (NSC).
  • The food industry is the leader in employee slip and falls. (Liberty Mutual).

The American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE). national standard states that owners, managers and supervisors must make a commitment to prevent accidental slips, trips and falls and InvisaTread® helps you do just that.

InvisaTread® Also Brings Safety Home.

Many areas of a home including your bathroom can lead to disaster in just moments. If you think you solved your problem with a bath mat – think again. According to recent studies, bath mats have more than 100,000 bacteria per square inch. Now you can safeguard your family against slips and falls while also eliminating bacteria-breeding

bath mats.

Reuters Health reported that slip and fall accidents involving children and teenagers occurred mostly in their bathrooms. “Most of these injuries are from slips and falls that could be avoided simply by making the bathtub, shower surfaces and bathroom floors, less slippery, said Dr. Gary Smith, Director of the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Columbus, Ohio’s Nationwide Children’s Hospital.”

In 85% of bathtub-related injuries among children younger than five years, adult supervision was present at the time of the incident

Article provide by InvisaTraed

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The post Child Safety Toddler Traction first appeared on Flooring Supply Shop Blog.

Anti-slip Solutions Bath Tub Protection Bathroom Safety Child safety Invisatread Pool Safety Safety Products Slip and Fall slip and fall protection

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