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Flooring Products That are HypoAllergenic for Sensitive People

September 17, 2010

Hypoallergenic, Environmentally friendly flooring, friendly flooring, flooring allergy, allergies, allergic, antibacterial

There are several people who suffer from allergies that are triggered by allergens present in their surroundings. People can develop allergies due to a multitude of allergens, such as dust, dust mites, mold spores, sawdust and others. Presence of allergen in the environment may cause adverse reactions in hyper sensitive people, including sneezing, coughing or scratching. Watery-eyes, spots like blisters that are quite painful or lung infection are some other problems which they might face. To prevent these, it is important to avoid all activities and products that aggravate allergens.

There are so many things in the house, like flooring, cleaning solutions and others, which have the potential to harbor allergens, such as dust and dust mites. These can be found in homes where people spend over twelve to fourteen hours daily. Therefore, precaution must be taken to keep homes free from allergic-causing substances.

Hypoallergenic, Environmentally friendly flooring, friendly flooring, flooring allergy, allergies, allergic, antibacterial

Homeowners can opt for ‘hypoallergenic’ products which are made using ingredients that are usually light on chemicals. These products are mostly eco-friendly and are manufactured using recycled or organic material. Further, these comprise fewer components, thereby reducing chances of developing allergies. The hypo-allergenic products are generally free from perfumes and odors, which normally make sensitive people sneeze, or feel breathless.

There are many hypoallergenic flooring products that can be chosen by sensitive people. Among all the available options, ceramic tile is the best choice, primarily because of its hard, slick surface that does not allow allergens like dust or mold to settle on it. Ceramic tiles are available in diverse sizes, shapes, designs and patterns. You may also select glass tiles, which are little expensive than ceramic tiles.

People also have the option of selecting environment friendly cork flooring. The tough surface of cork prevents dust and moisture absorption that can give rise to allergy. In addition, cork is free from toxic substances found in few flooring and carpeting products. Besides, you can also choose amongst concrete, rubber, bamboo and hardwood, finished with organic shellac or varnish.

Hypoallergenic, Environmentally friendly flooring, friendly flooring, flooring allergy, allergies, allergic, antibacterial

You can also opt for various rugs and carpets, made using natural material like cotton and wool. Linoleum is another great hypoallergenic, Eco green flooring option which is soft, durable, easy to maintain and clean. This naturally fire resistant flooring option is available in a wide palette of appealing colors that can enhance the appearance of any room.

Apart from these flooring options, there are various cleaning and washing formulas that are hypo-allergenic, organic and green. Before purchase, people must read the information and details of each product. This simple measure helps in avoiding purchase of products that contain allergic substances.

In case you are planning to renovate your home and want to install new flooring products, do check whether or not you are allergic to any of them. For example, if you sneeze continuously while walking through the carpet section of a store, probably you are allergic to it. Bamboo can also lead to allergy in certain individuals, causing red rashes all over the body. Thus, it is advisable that you carefully test each product, and purchase those that do not trigger any allergy. With so many options available, you will easily find hypo-allergenic flooring products to which you are not allergic.

Hypoallergenic, Environmentally friendly flooring, friendly flooring, flooring allergy, allergies, allergic, antibacterial

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The post Flooring Products That are HypoAllergenic for Sensitive People first appeared on Flooring Supply Shop Blog.

allergic allergies antibacterial Environmentally friendly flooring flooring allergy friendly flooring HypoAllergenic

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